Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Toys R Us

Nintendo and Toys 'R Us are teaming up to hand out some virtual gifts through Animal Crossing: Wild World. The gifts available, which are implied to include Mario in one way or another, number six, however only one will be available to download per town. You'll have to trade for the others. The process with which to acquire one of said six items goes:

1. Insert your Animal Crossing: Wild World Game Card into your Nintendo DS. Power up.
2. Purchase Bottle Mail at Tom Nook's Shop.
3. Write a message and release your Bottle Mail into the river or at the beach. Save and end your game.
4. Visit the specially marked Animal Crossing: Wild Word promotion in the video-game section of your nearest Toys 'R Us July 23-30. At the main menu, tap Tag Mode.
5. Watch and wait for something to arrive in your town!
6. Restart your game and comb the beach for Bottle Mail containing a special rare item!

Monday, July 24, 2006

HRA Bonus

Bonus Description - Bonus Points Awarded
Completed furniture series - 48,000
Both wall and floor to match the series - 10,000
Either wallpaper or flooring that matches a series - 4,800
Complete Necessities of Life from same series - 16,000
Complete Necessities of Life from different series - 4,800
Theme Furniture - (# of items x 7,000) + 15,000
Wallpaper and Flooring that matches a theme - 10,000
Complete Furniture set - # of items x 3,000

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Episode 17!!!

Episode 17 is finally here! We have a bunch of listener e-mails to read and questions to answer. Then we talk about what fish are available in July. And, we stay in sync the whole time!! What a concept! Thanks for listening and keep harvesting.

Monday, July 17, 2006

No Episode This Week

As you've probably noticed, there isn't an episode posted for this week. We tried to do one on Saturday night, but it didn't really work out. Maybe we'll post it eventually, but unless you guys want to hear Gemini Ace rapping, it's best left in the vault. We'll be back next week with more.

Also, send us your topic ideas!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Marcelo's Contest

I was wondering if you could announce my FC and other info because I don't mean to brag, but I have about 14,000,000 bells saved up on AC:WW and I wanted to know if someone who has artistic talent wanted to make me an awesome pattern, and the winner receives a gold rose and 1,000,000 bells! two runner ups will get a gold rose and 50,000 bells each! thanks, and I hope you guys continue doing a great job on Animal Crossing Friends (which, by the way, if you can announce it there too, that'd be great!)!


As you can see, one of our faithful listeners has offered up quite a cash prize to the winner of his contest. To enter, just send us an e-mail at animalcrossingfriends@gmail.com and we will hook you up with Marcel.

Also, I know there are some problems with episode 16. If you guys want, I can try to re-edit it so it syncs up.


If you guys are okay with it like it is or want me to post the unedited version, please let me know. I hate to put it out there if there's not a lot of interest in it.

That's all for now.
Gemini Ace

Monday, July 10, 2006

Animal Crossing Friends Episode 16

This week's show is brought to you by Skype. Phoenix and Gemini Ace are linked via Skype to bring you a look into the wifi connection. We tell you how to get connected and why. We end the show with Only Me by K.K. Slider. Thanks for listening and keep harvesting!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Pet Shop Boys + K.K. Slider = Cool

UK Dance guys Pet Shop Boys apparently have a great appreciation for Animal Crossing's musical K-9 K.K. Slider. See, one of our fine readers recently noticed a bit of similarity in a song sung by the Boys and one performed on Saturday night by K.K. Slider. In his online blog, mrdiscopop posts segments comparing the two, which honestly do sound somewhat similar. If the band's name is unfamiliar, you've probably heard their hit West End Girls.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Podcast Awards

If you love the show and want to do something for us, then go vote for us at the Podcast Awards. Go put us into the People's Choice box and the Gaming box. Heck, put us wherever you want. We've got a couple hundred listeners, so maybe we can get an honorable mention.

Here's the feed you need to put in... http://geminiace.libsyn.com/rss

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Episode 15!

Episode 15 is coming atcha! Phoenix and Gemini Ace are joined by special guest Chewbacca from the DS Podcast! We go over a bunch of listener e-mails and then cover the uses for those pesky buttons on your DS. We end this episode with K.K. Etude by K.K. Slider.
